Enter OpaZao. “Opa” is a Greek expression for exciting and “Zao” is ancient Greek to live, “Excited Living.”

OpaZao originated from decades of witnessing all the negative in the world. I knew there was a whole lot of positive happening around the world. But the average person was being bombarded with 80% or more of his/her daily life with negative.

That is our purpose. We are here to bring to you a 20-minute podcast addressing life as you know it and all that comes with it in a positive manner, “Because this world could use a little more positive.” We hope that you listen, subscribe, and pass on our podcasts to others who could use a little more positive.

Chances are that we have or soon will share on a topic close to your world that just might bring encouragement. If any of our podcasts bring more questions and you would like to talk, reach out to us at info@thepowerofnext.org where one of our listeners or coaches can hear your story and come alongside of you. Listen to the latest episode on your favorite streaming platform.


    Send us your questions! You can send us a message or contact us through any of the following communication channels:


    Send us your questions! You can send us a message or contact us through any of the following communication channels:

      All Rights Reserved By The Power of Next